Hunter Biden's gun trial is approaching its conclusion following extensive testimony regarding his history of drug use. First Lady attends the trial.


The criminal trial of Hunter Biden, President Joe Biden’s son, is entering its final phase as the defense seeks to undermine the prosecution's case, which has highlighted some of the most challenging periods of Hunter Biden's history with drug addiction.

The defense may call at least one more witness when the trial resumes in federal court in Delaware on Monday. It's uncertain whether the prosecution will introduce any rebuttal witnesses before the case proceeds to closing arguments and is handed to the jury.

Hunter Biden faces three felony charges related to the purchase of a firearm in October 2018. The prosecution alleges that he lied on a required form by stating he was not using drugs or addicted to them.

Hunter Biden has pleaded not guilty, arguing that the Justice Department was influenced by political pressure from former President Donald Trump and other Republicans. His lawyers contend that he did not see himself as an "addict" when he filled out the form, and he has maintained sobriety since 2019.

The trial has brought attention to a difficult period in Hunter Biden's life following the death of his brother, Beau Biden, in 2015. First Lady Jill Biden has attended the trial to support her stepson, while President Biden has been traveling for international engagements.

The defense argues that there is no proof Hunter Biden was using drugs during the 11 days he possessed the gun. Testimonies from his ex-wife and former girlfriends about his drug use and attempts to help him recover have been part of the prosecution's case. However, the defense highlights that Hunter Biden had completed a rehab program shortly before purchasing the firearm.

Hunter Biden's daughter, Naomi, testified that her father seemed hopeful and was improving when she visited him in rehab weeks before the gun purchase. The defense has not ruled out calling additional witnesses, including James Biden, Joe Biden's brother, who was present at the courthouse.

President Biden has stated he will accept the jury's verdict and has ruled out the possibility of a pardon for his son. The case nearly avoided prosecution through a deal with prosecutors that fell apart last year, leading to Hunter Biden's indictment on the current charges. He also faces a separate trial in September on charges of failing to pay significant amounts in taxes.

If convicted on the gun charges, Hunter Biden could face up to 25 years in prison, although first-time offenders typically do not receive the maximum sentence​.


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